3d printed logo of Corbeil  Craftworks
fusion 360 model of Corbeil Craftworks sign I wanted to create a forest themed sign that I could easily swap in a different name and reproduce. Here is the model in Fusion 360. I squished it up a little more so that I could use it as an insert in the lid of my DIY laptop case. This is the test print in MG Chemicals glow in the dark PLA.

Corbeil Craftworks

Buy Diazepam From India This is a single perimeter print. Meaning there is only one wall going around the entire model. It’s entirely hollow and less than 1CM thick. I didn’t think this print would finish and it was more of a “test the boundaries” thing. There are a few pin holes in the lowest relief layer but they kind of add to the forest effect.

Buy Cheap Alprazolam I printed this on the AnyCubic Predator Delta printer with stationary bed. Without the bed “swinging” back in forth, a la Prusa/Ender, you don’t have to worry about any inertia building in up in your part and it flopping over.